(an artistic rendering, of Snake Way... from the anime TV series 'Dragonball Z')
NOTE: This blog is designated for the sharing of  'social media' video and articles, but will intermittently be refined... by other means (photos and commentary, for instance)...

10:06 AM (4/13/22):
"Interesting video, of an African American dude in a suit... talking about father-son dynamics, in terms of family lineage..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:08 AM (4/13/22):
"A video of Denzel Washington, discussing mother-son dynamics... which account, for whether or not such relationships... are successful..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:31 PM (4/13/22):
"I am presently at the East Orange Public library, having walked there for the first time... ever (even though I have been driven there, before)... The internet connection at my dominion went out, in the morning... so hopefully such is back, tomorrow..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:22 PM (4/13/22):

(photo of a burger patty, atop a bread slice with peeled ends... from 4:22 PM, today)

5:25 PM (4/13/22):
"Due to the internet outage at my dominion, I figured I would spend some time in South Orange, NJ, once again today (in the evening, as opposed to the day time)... for at least an hour or so... Things happen at night, that don't during the day... in terms of the variables, that refine our experiences... of spacetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6. 5:33 PM (4/13/22):
"Interesting article about an entrepreneur, by the name of Elijah Wallace... who faced difficulty in the 'job hunting process'... that related to what I experienced, from 2016 up to June 3, 2018 (when I had been offered a behavioral health technician role, at Ascendant NY)... I had been at Eastern Virginia Medical School, and sought to build upon my resume... during that time interval... given that I was seeking a job, that could supplement my 'remote studies'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: I find it interesting that this dude, kind of resembles the 'African American' counterpart/version... of Mark Zuckerberg...

5:52 PM (4/13/22):
"Interesting article, regarding the James Webb telescope... which is peering into the cosmos, further than its predecessors..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:25 PM (4/13/22):
"I ended up not going to South Orange, NJ, in the evening... today. Such was primarily because the 6:30 PM train did not show up, even though I had been at the platform... no less than 6 minutes ahead, of schedule... So, I went to a Forman Mills clothing store... instead, before getting a drink from Walgreens..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:32 PM (4/14/22): 
[photo of a shirt I acquired from Forman mills, yesterday (4/13/22)... at 7:10 PM)]

9:59 PM (4/13/22):
"Everyday humans awaken, typically to repeat the same routine... Our lives consist of chapters, which we individually have an influence over... regarding their text... It seems that a chief aspect of success in life, is continuously 'moving forward'... while factoring the past, into one's decision-making..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:30 PM (4/13/22):
"Interesting video by YouTube content creator, Andrew Kirby, who has a British accent... that reminds me of that, of triple jump world record holder... Jonathan Edwards... 21 is a young age, to retire... some people just know, quick ways to capitalize... on opportunities..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:23 AM (4/14/22):
"Interesting video of a woman working out, giving advice about goal attainment... Dreams are goals, with deadlines... and certain goals are more practical than others, just as some are more worthwhile..."- Michael Izuchukwu

7:28 AM (4/14/22):
"In order to set realistic goals, one has to have a genuine conceptualization... of who one is, knowing one's own strengths and weaknesses... Reading and journaling, can strengthen that understanding..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:39 AM (4/14/22):
"My middle brother, JJ, has been known to do pushups a lot for exercise... but my mom tells me that he doesn't go out (he rarely leaves their place), and that he allegedly eats one meal a day (typically of chicken, and frozen vegetables)... My mom works at Walgreens ('8-hour shifts'), and her powers of oversight... are flawed, at best... so, I doubt such is true..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE: Whenever we go to COSTCO, my mom gets pastries for him...

9:28 AM (4/14/22):
"My freshman year at Rice University, I took a course called 'In the Matrix: On Human Bondage and Liberation,' taught by Philip Wood... I am not sure whether or not I used the option of 'pass/fail' on such... but I recall that at some point, I was not necessarily agreeing with some of his philosophical insights... regarding the nature, of reality..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:32 AM (4/14/22):
"Interesting video of an Asian female, browsing New York City... When I think of big metropolitan areas, Houston and Atlanta are the first others... to surface, in my mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:40 PM (4/14/22):
"I just returned to the East Orange Public library, some minutes ago... Apparently, the staff member at my dominion... who attested to having informed a certain woman, that there was a loss of internet connectivity there (yesterday)... did not do so... Thus, I had to be an informant about that... today, and that concern is to be addressed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:46 PM (4/14/22):
"Moments ago, I took note of the temperature outside... Due to my black attire ('a color which absorbs heat'), I did not feel that heated... walking to the library... even though it was 83 degrees Fahrenheit, as of 12:43 PM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:35 PM (4/14/22):
(lunch, from 11:15 AM... today - a leftover burger patty, with some noodles)

2:39 PM (4/14/22):
"Inspiring marathoner video... a marathon consists of 26.2 miles, which intrigues me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:02 PM (4/14/22): 
"There are only so many hours in a day (24), and days in a year (365)... In one year, there are 8,760 hours... and one can imagine how slowly, that duration of time passes... if one were to actively sit still, hour by hour... waiting for such, to elapse..." - Michael Izuchukwu
3:04 PM (4/14/22): "Such makes me question the nature, of the number of years... humans live, in the context of the world we are a part of... in relation to that of other organisms, which may exceed the life expectancy... of human beings, from an international standpoint..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:25 PM (4/14/22): 
"The internet connection was restored at my dominion, some hours ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(photo from 5:22 PM, today)

5:28 PM (4/14/22):
"I decided to treat myself to some Chinese food, at the NJ Gourmet... I usually don't get rice (to supplement my meal), so I got some lo mein noodles... instead... ...I was given incentive, since rice and beans (with some chili) were served at my dominion... about 90 minutes ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(photo from 5:07 PM, today... featuring an egg roll, chicken, broccoli, and some butter shrimp)

5:39 PM (4/14/22): 
"I have access to a Netflix account, so I am thinking I might have to check out the series 'Our Great National Parks'... sometime later..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Former President Barack Obama Now Has His Own Netflix Show (msn.com)

6:53 PM (4/14/22): 
"I watched the first 20 minutes of episode 1 (51 minutes & 26 seconds in length), of the 'Our Great National Parks' Netflix series... titled, 'A World of Wonder'... Such was very interesting... My favorite part was 14:28-16:29, featuring lemurs (certain primates, which are native to Madagascar... and endangered)... To me, their 'jumping style' and form... was 'alien-like,' given that I had never seen lemurs like this... before, in action... There are so many species of animals in the world, which go unseen... on a daily basis... such may be a metaphor, for how our populated planet... may be one of many, in the cosmos (which consists of no less than 'several billions,' of galaxies)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
[A map of the world, in which the island country of Madagascar (in the Indian Ocean)... is boxed in 'red'...)

7:05 PM (4/14/22): "I couldn't help but think, that perhaps the island 'Madagascar' was given that name, because long ago... some people may have seen lemurs there, and thought to themselves 'these creatures are mad, they need to be 'gassed,' and you're going to need a car... to escape them)

8:20 PM (4/14/22):
"Interesting video of a female walking along a beach, in Maldives... a country near the Indian Ocean... I have walked along the coasts of Virginia Beach, VA, Los Angeles, CA, Jamaica and Mexico... in my life (to my recollection)... There are many shores on Earth, but perhaps countless more... on certain exoplanets, throughout the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:01 AM (11/27/22):
"A recap of a video, that I filmed... 23 days ago... Regarding human discourse/narrations, I believe that the nature of their rendering... is impacted, by variables such as one's environment... and the degree of mobility, one is engaging in..." - Michael Izuchukwu
A human has a vector in life (magnitude and direction), and such could be likened to an electric charge... which can build up over time, before dissipating... depending on the circumstances that are present, in his/her life... which could act as resistors...
...one may find that speaking while navigating his/her immediate surroundings, has a different physiological toll... than when rooted, in a stationary position... and may affect, how long... one converses for... based off one's history of narration (public speaking experience, for instance), and the content of his/her discussion...

6:37 AM (11/27/22):
(peppered, scrambled eggs... as of 6:23 AM, today)

6:47 AM (11/27/22):
"To know that we know, what we know... and to know that we do not know, what we do not know... that is true knowledge..." - Nicolaus Copernicus
[the length of this song is '7:52'... and I wrote a text called the Advanced Instructions Before Leaving Earth (A.I.B.L.E.) from 2014-2020... which I have not reviewed, in quite some time... Nevertheless, I had condensed such... to 497 pages, as of 13 months ago]
(condensed version of the AIBLE - 497 pages)

(original page count, of the AIBLE - 752 pages)


7:06 AM (11/27/22):
(a cat glancing at me, at my dominion... at 2:33 PM, on 6/6/22)

7:15 AM (11/27/22):

8:21 AM (11/27/22):





















